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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Getting Back on Track

   Have you copied and pasted the link into your address bar to view my new blog yet? If you haven't, you really should. Just be careful, the national and/or regional government may want to contact YOU for further information.
   I absolutely LOVE Tuesdays! It's one of the only days I don't have to do something after school, unless it's the third Tuesday of the month. Then I have a Spirit of Excellence committee meeting for student council. On Tuesdays, I just get to lounge around, do my homework and practice oboe and violin! Yay! What's your favorite day of the week?
   Did I tell you that I didn't get the flute from my aunt and cousin? I don't think so. But to get more information on that, check out the post called "Yet Another (almost) Adverse Tuesday." But I didn't get the flute because we couldn't find it. My cousin, who's giving it to me, has a super messy closet, and if it would be anywhere, it would be there. I rummaged through it for about an hour and then decided that I wouldn't find it without her help. Good news is, when she gets to it, she said that she would try to find it. She SWORE that it was still there and that they didn't return it. My aunt says that she's usually right. I sure hope so...
   What's your favorite thing that you got for Christmas/Hanukah/Kwanzaa/any holiday you celebrate? My favorite thing is the NOOK Color. I technically got it with my Christmas gift card and money, but I still count it as a Christmas gift. It's like a mini iPad and it was only $199! I had $155 with the gift card, so my mom had to pay $45 and $30 for the case. (Expensive case, huh?) I absolutely LOVE IT! :)
  I haven't heard very many comments from you viewers out there, so please COMMENT, FOLLOW and POST THE LINK (to this blog) ON YOUR FACEBOOK WALL! Please. I'm begging you.

End of Line.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Here's a Link

  This has to be a super de duper post because I have to go to bed very soon. Here's the link to the blog I created about ten minutes ago:
Check it out! If you dare...

End of Line.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Am I Always Doing Everything Wrong?

  "You should have left the Christmas tree out for a day and then have straightened it out."
  "No, your finger goes here on the fingerboard (on the violin)."
  "Didn't you memorize the lines for the play?"
  "Now you ruined it! I have to start all over again!"
  "You should have gotten the DayQuil, not the NiQuil."
  "It looks like someone walked up to it and puked on it! I hate it!"
  "Why don't you just do it my way? It's way better than your stupid idea."

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Kind of Average Thursday

   Today has been in between average and a little special. But luckily, I still have something to type about. I haven't gotten any comments from anyone in awhile, but I need your feedback! Please comment!
    Thursday is the day that I usually have drama club after school, but I skipped it. The drama teacher (I won't mention who because that would be mean) is horrible! All we do are warm ups and games. We need to actually do some acting! We were working on a script earlier in the year, but I bet that she threw them out. And that's basically all that we worked on for the first 5 weeks! So I'm going to have one of my best friends (Krystal Fedie) tell the drama teacher that I have officially quit. I've had enough of this crap!
    A good thing about today is that we have our 6th grade band concert tonight. We had a an hour and a half long rehearsal yesterday in the band room that was 75 degrees. Waaay too warm for most people's liking, like me. My lips were so sore that it hurt to talk after, but I did anyways. By the way, if you haven't read my profile, I'm the first oboe in our band. We have five total, and the person in last chair (Isabella, not Polaske) has just started this year. Our band is pretty average, but we have a LOT of room for improvement.
   For the flute countdown, today is day four! If you don't know what that is, read the post titled "Yet Another (almost) Average Tuesday." It'll tell you all about it. Tune in soon to read my next post!

End of Line.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Inbetween Friday

  I've got some bad news and some good news. More good than bad today, so that's good. :) At least it was a Friday.
   So I just got home from the dance. I just took my shoes off and got a glass (not a plastic) of juice and settled down to type. But it was pretty fun! People watching is pretty entertaining! You can learn a lot, like this juicy tidbit; Vaughn (my immature and highly annoying still yet popular cousin) got hugged by a GIRL! You'd think that having a popular cousin would have benefits, but almost no one knows that we're cousins because we look exactly the opposite, except for that we're taller than most people our age and we're both 11. But anyways, it's official. Vaughn is going out with a girl and I have no idea what her name is.
  Another thing about the dance; if you've ever been to a Girl Scout father-daughter dance, you have the basic idea of what this dance was like. Except there was no dads, the refreshments cost money, and the music was louder. But I actually danced! I just copied what everyone else did, and they were dancing, so I was too. My feet still hurt! I wore my aqua green low top Converse.
   On to the bad news; all the wrapping paper and bows got ripped off my friend's locker! So now it's just like all of the other ones. *dramatic sigh* We worked so hard on that locker! And now it just looks like all of the other grey and boring lockers. So much for posting a picture. I should've right after we finished! Good things don't last very long unless it's an unbreakable marriage, huh?
   So like I told you, I had mostly good and some bad news to tell. I hope that tomorrow will shape up because my friend Aubrey and I are making a Yule Log Cake for her french class. I hope it tastes good!

End of Line.