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Monday, October 24, 2011

I'm Sorry I've Been Slacking

   I really love my blog and all, it's just that I keep putting it off. Not that anybody that I don't know reads this, but I know that my readers need a piece of my life to stay connected. Sorry!
   On Saturday, my best friend (Cassidy) finally came down from Oshkosh/Appleton to sleepover. We carved pumpkins, took 2 long walks, made and ate pizzas, stayed up late and talked, and watched Harry Potter 5, aka the Order of the Phoenix. It was one of the best days I have ever had in my life! When it was about 6:00 pm we met Sonny Ciardo on the corner of Trapp Trail and Clover Drive, and he actually came! When we were about to head home, he turned around and said something (I can't remeber what) and looked right at me. So I flung my moccasin at him! And it hit him square in the chest! He fell down like someone had shot him with an arrow. Cassidy and I both fell down laughing. It was aboslutely hirlarious!
   What else happened this past week... Oh yeah! Nothing at all. At least tomorrow is crazy sock day at school. I can't wait because I have several pairs of crazy knee-high socks! Whoopee! I'll try to remeber to post tomorrow to tell you how it goes. And if I even remeber to wear crazy socks at all.
   I promise that I will try to post more. *crosses toes*

End of Line

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesdays are Okay

   Wednesdays are not as bad as Mondays, but they will never be as great as Fridays. It's just a fact of life. Deal with it.
   So today I had a violin lesson. I think that they are fine, but they could be better. It's like jogging. If you just go jogging, you feel pooped. But if you take your iPod and listen to music, it makes you feel better. Well for me it does anyways. My point of that analogy was to say that violin lessons are like exercising and it's more fun with special stuff. One of my violin teachers is Mrs. Julie, and she love anything with pumpkin flavoring in it. So she commented on my facebook post about my mom's pumpkin pie, and asked if she could have any. Of corse, she was just kidding, but I gave her a big slice at my lesson today. She said (when we were playing Gavotte by Bach), "This pumpkin cake has been calling my name!"
   Also, one more interesting thing happened today. Wait. Make that two more things. There's this one girl name Ariel and she's in my same house (houses are the same as homerooms) as me. One of my BFFs, Jordan, strongly dislikes her. Her nickname is horseface. So anyways, this morning, she came up to me and said,
"Hi Danielle."
"I'm not Danielle."
"Oh, I just recognized you from french class." 
"I'm not taking french this quarter."
"Omygosh, I'm so sorry. You're Hayley! I feel so embarrassed! I'm so sorry!!!"
And that's how my morning before math went.
   Last thing -- I'll make it quick, or my parents will force me to shut down the computer or they'll slam the screen on my hands.
   Jordan was going to the bathroom from science, and horseface (aka Ariel), passed Jordan in the hallway.
"Hi Jordan!!"
"Hi horseface."
She had a really ugly expression right about then, like she smelled skunk spray, but Jordan would have said that she always has an ugly expression. Let's just say that she had an uglier expression than usual.
   That was really the only events that happened today. Now dad's going to slam the computer on me.

End of Line.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Uh Oh

   Wow -- this is the longest time I've gone without posting. Oops. Life gets busy, ya know?
  My days are starting to blend together. Hours turn into days, days into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years. All of my school assingments for example are "pages 65-67 problems 2-52 evens only." Or "finish page 3 in your packet for tomorrow." Even all my after-school activites are blending together! Mosaic, MYSO, Standards of Excellence (a committee for student council), Violin Lessons, Finical Peace University (a budegting class), and FNF Youth group. I only have Standards of Excellence every 3rd Tuesday of the month, so tomorrow is my first meeting in Mrs. Sankey's room after-school.
   Did I tell you about my incident on the activity bus? No I didn't because that happened 5 days ago. So I got on the activity bus and handed the bus driver my ticket, all fine and dandy. I told him "I live on Clover Drive, by Maple Avenue."
   "So you live off of Maple Avenue?"
   "No, my street is just connected to Maple Avenue."
   "Oh. Okay."
  So la di da, here's me riding the bus. He turns onto my street, but turns down the wrong hill.
   "Um, I live up this hill."
   "But didn't you say that you live on Clover and Maple?"
    "Well then remeber to say Clover and Dove Court next time, okay?"
  So that's basically how my activity bus experince went. At least I signed up for a ticket before school, unlike my forgetful friend, Krystal. I bet she called her mom from the office and got picked up. At least, I hope so.
    I'll try to post move often, at least once every week. I've just been getting really behind. Sorry. If you remind me by sending me and email (at hayleyjazz@sbcglobal.net) then I'll probably post faster than if you don't say anything at all.
  Random fact of the day: There are nearly 160 distinctive breeds and types of horses around the world, but the Arabian horse is unique in that it is the purest of all of the breeds. Found at http://facts.randomhistory.com/2008/11/12_horses.html

End of Line. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

It's a Sunday -- Whoopee.

   So today was a Sunday. It was sunny and hot for October, like 85 degrees, and that's way to hot. Like uncomfortably hot. Yay.
    We went to our friends house (from church) to watch the Packer game on a huge screen. Like 12 by 8. But I don't know what it is exactly. Hannah and I went on the swings and had a game to see how far we could fling ourselfs off and land on our feet. It was a tie because we had no way to see who won. It was really fun. Anyways, I actually watched part of the Packer game! It was pretty interesting, but that was probably because I was tired out. It was really frustrating when Atlanta scored a touchdown when they could have easily defended it. Excuse me while I scream; ARRRRRGGGHHH!!!!!!
    I have been reading lots of Garfield (the fat orange cat and not the president) comics. They're pretty entertaining, most of the time. My favorite cat is Nermal, the annoying but adorable kitten. How can you not love him? Unless you're Garfield, of corse. But Nermal can't help be be the cutest kitten ever!
   Now Mom is demanding that I go upstairs and watch the football game. Who came up with the name "football" for football? Why isn't called "handball"? Because you do use your hands most of the time.
   I wonder what's going to happen tomorrow...

End of Line.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Not So Great Day

   Today has not been the greatest. I have a stomach ache, cold, and too much math homework. The recipe for a miserable day, even though it's 75 degrees in October.
   I have another math test on Tuesday, and I think that I'm going to fail. Again. On my last math test, I failed by getting a U. It's been taking me forever to get this math homework done, because I keep taking breaks. And even though I slept until 10 this morning, I'm still exhausted. Dad has been working on sawing the windows and trying to replace the rotten wood, so the sound of the saw hasn't helped either. It's just been giving me a headache.
   Yesterday, I got to go to one of my friends, Rashelle's house. With my other friends, Krystal and Aubrey. We did a lot of fun things, such as play in the backyard, play Apples to Apples, watch TV, and play the board game Wizardology. I lost at Wizardology, but it took forever to finish. But it was fun.
   Oh yeah, I just realized I have more homework to do. It's a sketchbook assingment about values and shading that's due on Monday. And I left it at school. I better get started over again...

End of Line.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


   I couldn't think of anything else for the title of this post, and we had some bacon for dinner, so yeah. That's the title of this post. I know. It's weird. Deal with it.
   Tomorrow is a half-day. Huzzah! And I already have plans. Our half day schedules are pretty weird. We have all the same subjects we usually do, just that every class is about 30 minutes long. At my elementary school, we would totally rearrange the schedule. Anyways, my plans are to go to the front office at the end of the half day with my 3 friends, Rashelle, Aubrey, and Krystal. Rashelle's mom will pick us up and drive to McDonald's so we can have lunch. That's another thing about our half day schedule that's weird; we don't get to eat lunch. Then, after eating lunch, we would go to Rashelle's house and hang out until 4pm. This should be super fun!
   Other than that, my life is pretty much like every other adverage 6th grader. Homework, friends, homework, after-school clubs, and more homework. But I promise that this blog will be more interesting! Note that I didn't put the word "soon" becuase I don't know when it will get more interesting. But it will be interesting by the end of the month, that I can promise. So I will try to keep you readers posted!

End of Line. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I'm Sorry that I Haven't Posted in a While

   I would put the title of this post in this sentence normally, but I couldn't come up with a better title. So there.
   Guess what? I almost broke my wrist today! Whoopee! So here's the scoop; we always have to run 5 minutes around the think blue line in the gymnasium. I was running off to the side to tie my shoe, when WHAM!! someone had smashed into me. I must have flown 8 feet off to the side! So she was all like, "Oh my gosh, I'm sooooo sorry!!!"
   So I was all like, "What's your problem, person?!" But I only said that in my head, so no one heard it but me.   
What I really said was, "I'm fine." But I said that after about 10 seconds becuase I was stunned from the impact.
  And then the teacher came over and said, "Are you okay?"
  In my head I said, "Do I look ok? I'm on the point of sobbing, woman!!!" But what I really said was, "Yeah, I'm fine. Where's the health room?"
   "Down the hall and turn the corner to the left. There should be a skinny hallway and the health room is near the end. "
  Fast-forward to when I get home: "Mom, I think I broke my wrist. We should call a doctor."
  Fast forward to when we get to urgent care: "Your wrist is absolutely fine! We don't even have to do an Xray," said the doctor. So that was basically a review of my whole afternoon.
   Did I post about the time I got the free skinit.com giftcard? If I didn't, please comment and say so after you read my other posts. Anyways, it finally came today! Maybe I'll post a picture of it sometime. I had to clean off my iPod and stick it on. It looks super cool!
   So here's the topic of commenting today; What was the worst thing that happened to you in elemantry or middle school? It can be a broken bone, friendship problem, stuff like that. I can't wait to read your comments!

End of Line.